By default, CaptionMate shows the person you are calling your native cell phone number when you call them. This means that people who already have your contact information will know it is you calling. By combining this feature with automatic inbound call forwarding, you can continue to give out your regular cell phone number as your main contact and still receive captioning on all of your calls.
If you prefer, you can set it so the other party sees your CaptionMate number rather than your cell phone number. Please follow the steps below to change your caller ID setting.
To set up outbound caller ID
Open the CaptionMate app
Tap Settings
Under Calls, find the Outgoing Caller ID toggle. If the toggle is turned on, then the other party will see your cell phone number when you call them.
If you would like the other party to see your CaptionMate number when you call them, tap the toggle to turn it off.